Friday, 22 October 2010

the blitz by justin and karla

The Blitz Survivor

Last night at 7:00 pm a house was bombed with a man inside, luckily he got out in time before the bomb detinated. The whole of Baker Street nearly caught fire from the dramatic explosion.

All this is happening because the Germans want to destroy our factories so we are not heavily armed. Right now Germans are getting ready to fly over us and bomb the major cities.

Bob has luckily survived the bombs dropping on his houe and this is his story. " I feel devestated that my house is almost gone because when I found the doodle bug (V1) in my kitchen then I knew that I had to get out the house as quick as lightning"

The Blitz is getting more and more dangerous and houses are being destroyed day by day. If your too frightened to stay in your house make sure you go to your nearby shelter or underground station.

If you have a story please contact us by using the address on the back of the newspaper.
By Justin and Karla.



The Goverment is worried that the children will be killed by the bombs that Germany was droping on London.

Everyone was sad when the children said farewell to there mums and dads.

on the 1st of September 1939 the children began their jouney to either the country side or abroad.


the blitz survivor


Last night on the 7th October 7pm, a house was bombed with a man inside, luckily he got out before the bomb detonated. Nearly the whole of Baker Street caught on fire from the dramatic explosion.

All this is happening because the Germans want to destroy factories so we are not heavily armed. Right now Germans are getting ready to bomb major cities.

Bob has luckily suvived the bombing raids on his house.This is his story... "I feel sad and ashamed that my house is gone because when I found the Doodlebug (V1) in my kitchen, I knew I had to get out of the house as fast as lightning."

The bombings are getting more and more dangerous and houses are commonly being destroyed.If you are too frightened to stay in your house, go to your nearby shelter.
If you have a bombing story, please contact us by using the address on the back of the newspaper.
By Christopher Lee and Soundarya Ramesh Babu

Operation Evacuation

Operation Evacuation

Yesterday on Friday 8th of May some children and pregnant women participated in operation pied piper due to the Blitz.

The government have decided that our big cites are now to dangerous for children, so many children are packing their suitcases to move to the country side, to live a safer life until the tragic war has ended.

We have spoken to a lady who had to say a sad farewell to her beloved children, here's what she said. " I was up cleaning the at about twelve noon when I heard on the radio Nevile Chamberlin saying that children are not safe in our cities and must be evacuated as soon as possible. It was heartbreaking for me to tell my children this sad news but I knew I would be able to rely on them to keep themselves safe."

People have been saying the war will be over by Christmas but who knows if it will, as we could still be rapped up in our blankets as white as snow before it ends.

By Shauna and Lucy:)

cry and say goodbye


Yesterday,on 7th of November, children started to say a sad farewell to their parents as they were evacuated from the main cities in Britain. So 1.5 million children and pregnant women have already been evacuated but there is many more days, even months to go.

The reason children are being evacuated is the Government decided that cities are to dangerous for children, while we are having the blitz. So children, that live in the big cities, are being evacuated to the countryside. Some children are being taken away to Canada on ships.

"The Government have made the right decision," agrees Margaret, 74. "I wouldn't like to see young children being hurt and killed in this terrible diaster.Its too upsetting." "But, surly, parents should be able to go with their children, if they're 3 or 13," argues Paul, 76. "Parents might be to scared for their children and want to go with them to make sure they're alright."

Life for children might be hard as well, but what about parents? Wouldn't thay be upset as well as their child? Parents life is going to be hard for they will be constantly worring about their child. If your a parent and you wont your say, contact us with this letter address.

5 Ppervile road



IG74AP By Lucy Ellott and Harriet Livings

evacuation fears

Evacuation fears

Yesterday, the 1st of September 1939 , fear amongst both children and parents brought sadness across London as the evacuation of children began.

this is happening because Germany is trying to take over England.children in London are having to leave, to live in a safer area because there is to much bombing in London. Most children to leave are between 5 and 14 years old.

by: yasmin carolina louise macy

evacuation fears

Evacuation Fears

yesterday the 1st of september 1939 fear amagst both childeren and perants brought sadness across london as the Evacuation of children began.

This is happeening becaues germany is trying to take over England.

Children in London are having to leave to live in a safer airea because there is to much bombing in london. Most children to leave are betwen 5 and 14 years old.

s.o.s save soldiers

s.o.s save our soldiers

On the 18th of November 1939 Paul Clark was sent away to fight the German Socalist Party or for short the Nazis now we are going to talk to him one year on.

"It was unexpected that all of the men had to war with the Nazis"says Paul . "I got shot in the leg once when I first went to Poland it was as scary as being bitten by a shark I couldnt fight for a week" "As much as it was hard it was a good experince fighting for my country,my mother was scared for me and i was scared for her being caught in the blitz". "It must have been heartbreaking all of the men leaving their familes to go and fight in the war,"says Lottie REP.

Raise money for soldiers in the war RIGHT NOW!

Paul has recoverd from his wound and is healthy.
By Oliver & Kristofer

evacuation from the station

Evacuation from the station

At 7am this morning children,pregnant women and under five year olds with their mothers are starting to be sent

away to the country side for operation Pied Piper.

The government have decided that the big cites of Britain are now not safe for the children of our cites.So children from most big cites are packing their suitcases to move to the country side,to live a safer life until the terrible war has ended.

We intervied Mrs Jone heres what she said " We were up eating our breakfast at about 6:30 am when our radio started to say about the children of our big cities being evacuated. They past it over to Neville Chamberline to say what was going on he told us that parts of our country were not safe and that our children would have to be vacuated to the country side."

People have been saying that the war will be over by christmasbut who knows if it will as we could still be rapped up in our blanketsas white as snow before it ends.

By: Clara and Ambra


People hungry as germans cut food supplies short

Yesterday on the 9th September the Ministry of Food said that every househould has to ration.

We now have to ration because the Germans are cutting food supplies short. The Ministry will be sending out ration books and you have to fill in your name and age then register with your butcher, grocer and milkman .

The first food to be rationed is butter, sugar, bacon and ham.

We have interviewed a local father named Jim about his opinion on rationing Jim said this "I think it is really hard rationing because we can not eat what we usually do."

Any more stories about rationing then call the newspaper on this number: 02085000767
By Thomas and Connor.



Yesterday on Friday 18th Febuary some children of London particapated in being evacuated from their families, due to the Blitz.

When the govement announced that the big cities were too dangerous for children stay in, more than 1million children took part on the day after the first bombings. The children were moved to a small village in the countryside. Now we have a lady who had to say a sad farewell to her children."When I heard on the radio that my children had to be evacuated I was heart broken, it was very hard for me to tell my children what had to be done".

We don't know when the is going to finish but we know that the children are safe and sound.

By Ibrahim and Tariq

The Blitz : Germans go for goal !

The last few weeks has been a terrible time as many people have died during The Blitz.

3200 people have died so far and lots more have been injured.
People have been advised to shut their curtains and turn off their lights when the Germans bombers come to make it harder for them to see London.

Since the blitz begun people have been living in the under ground . Miss Jones exclaimed, " It is very scary if my children were here they would be traumatised" . "
The german bombers are not going to stop until we surrender", said Mr Burn.

Let's hope that the bombing will stop soon and we can all go back to a normal life.
by JoshO & Daniel

The Blitz: Germans go for goal!
By Laura 6s

The last few weeks people have been dieing from the Blitz. 32,000 people died and lots of people got injured.
We were shutting the curtains and we put the lights off so the Germans would not drop bombs on our home.We were terrified because we thought the bombs were going to drop on us.
We are here now in Elizabeth Smith house and we are going to interview her because she was a eye witness at that time of the War ."I was just doing my shopping and all of a sudden i heard a big:BANG!!!,I hurried to see what was going on.I went out and i saw German aeroplane's flying in the sky with furious bombs dropping down on the hart of London". "eventuly we bought a Anderson shelter to keep us safe during the Blitz".
Elizabeth is a very brave woman you should be one too. Let's hope we can all survive this terrible time.

Be A Man,Be A SoldierAlign Left

Yesterday 10 O'clock in the morning the furious Neville Chamberlian declaered war on Germany. He requested on the radio that more men must sign up for the army to help our country win. All men wll be leaving tomorrow

A number of fathers must leave their families. Amy aged 8 cried to her Dad; " Please dont go" as her dad walked out the door.

Today, at 9 O 'clock Neville Chamberlin announced: "All men from 18 to 35 must fight in our war.

A man called Martin disagrees. He doesnt want to go to war. Beacuase he says; he isnt english so why should i fight for this country

Thats it from the Mail...

By James
Be a man, be a soldier
By Zara Rowlatt

Yesterday at 8 o'clock, angry Neville Chamberlain decided we need more men soldiers.

Neville Chamberlain announces "our country needs you" Lucy age 6 cries "DADDY DON'T GO" as her dad says goodbye he's a soldier now he's a real man. Bob tells us he didn't want to leave Lucy but he has no choice but to fight! "I'm proud to be british and i'm going to fight" shouts Bob.

We need you to fight if you don't your just a coward. Germans are pouring in like a glass of water pouring down the sink. We need your help to kill them the more help the quiker this war is over.

Thunderouse bombes were scattered over London and we need men to fly the planes that can drop bombes on Berlin. Theres anxiety all over London waiting for the next number of deaths . So join the army and help Britain win this war!

Rationing causes hardship!

War has been a terrible time for everyone, especially families as not only have to cope with their homes being bombed but also the lack of clothes and food.
Many families are complaining about how they don't have enough food and clothes provided for them during this awful time.
" It is hard to cope because me and my family never have enough clothes or food to cook with "moaned Victoria Brown aged 6 from London.

Rationing is a hard way to get food and clothes.Lots of elderly men and women pepare stalls so it is easier for the people to swap coupons. It is as hard as running the country.

Rationing is a horrible expeirence to be a part of Whope that the goverment will try and make sure that people get more food and clothes. Lets hope the war ends soon.

By Melissa Mcfarlane and Maisy Board

by Malikah

Breaking news: Food has been running low in our local shops , lorries and ships bringing food to our country. It is running low,the prime minister has introduced the ration book. A local survived a terrible bombing during the time of the blitz. Mollie Jones survived the local bombing in london "It was terryfieing" because their was loads of smoke going on i was only six when it happened the prime minister put loads of posters up that children evacutated he called this opertion pied piper "it was really scary because i have never been on a train before and i have never seen cows and sheep before when i got their i saw different people they were called host familes it was fun but i missed my family more. we have one last quetion how was the countryside "well it was good cause Mr phillps let me play on the horse and feed the cows. thank you for your time mollie jones.

Women Entering The Land Army

Yesterday millions of women had to enter the working field and do the jobs of men while the brave soliders had to fight for are country.

Tina Collins age 16, asked her father if she could serve as a volunteer in bombed - dameged London but he thought it was to dangerous much acutul driving and repair work.

She was working as a housewife because her father said " no" then she said " working in the land army is very hard and stressful".

1.5 million women took jobs in essential industries, including more jobs.

Women were paid less then men when they worked. Women worked as hard like your doing weight lifts in the gym.
We hope evertthing will be alright for the women and the soilders and we hope the war will end soon.

By Jenny and Kajal


The Facination of Evacuation!!!

Shocking news Children are being eavcuated because the Germans are bombing the cities.
The Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain,says that Children aged between 5 and should be evacuted immediately.

7 years old James says "I am going to miss my mum and dad so much and house but maybe i love the country side better"James Cried because he was going to be evacuated.

The Operation of the pipe pieper are ready to go to the country side to meet there forster parents for the frist time.

BY Godwina and Jaiden
The Big Bombed Blitz!

Yesterday a heavy big bombing occured in west London because only 4 months ago Neville Chamberlain declared war on Germany.

Here are a few words from Crystal Robinson which was a survivor in the big bombing yesterday. "I can not believe that I survied in the bombing, but it was horrible I saw thousands of people dying with phfurhous everywhere on them and I couldn't help them just in case the german bombers would see me and blow me up aswell it is terrible!"
The bombs are falling as fast as lightning everywhere but more news from us tommorrow with The Sun .
By Summer Darvell
Blitzkrieg Strikes Again!

Last night,parts of britain came under attack from german bombers the worst city hit so far, is our own,
It began at night time, scaring local residents.Tina was were the bombswere hitting the ground like a bolt of lighting .
Tina saw a bomb hitting the ground and was lucky to get away unharmed. Her house was bombed, ending up with her losing everything, including her poor mother. "I will be glad when they go and leave us alone " replied Tina.
All the poor Londoners can now do is hope and pray that the bombing ends soon
By Tayla and Callum 6S

Soldiers let loose
by Joshua and Alfie

Yesterday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon many men were flooding into ques ready to be signed up as British soldiers in the city of Coventry.

Many men were queuing up to be assigned.This is what George Smarty(24) explained " Most of us just went because one way or another we would become soldiers"

Some of our reporters actually went down to the soldiers H.Q. SGT Bentley ,(30) said "In a way it is very fun being a soldier,although it is a very big responsibility representing our country,but it's very hard during training"

There are still many men waiting to become soldiers. Neville Chamberlain (60) said "I have full respect for the soldiers"

Pack your suitcase and get GONE!

Yesterday 20th October 20,000 children were evacuated to different parts of the world.

We are here to talk to a young mother, who's child was evacuated to America to live with someone she wouldn't agree with, and here is what she had to say:
''I'm terrified of my child having to live with someone she's never met before,please come home darling" cried Miss Howard a evacuees mother.

So,there you have it London being bombed, mothers hearts being teared away and; children sent to live with someone they have no clue about.London has turned like a burning hell.When is this punishment going to end!

By Alyshah and Billie- Anne

Britain bombed

Britain is under attack of heavy bombing from Germans. It started last night surpsring all residents of London.It has said that they are bombing so ferociously because they think we as a country will surrender.
We interveiwed Jack Peterson who saved four year old Mary from a terrifing burning building. We asked him how he felt after he saved little Mary from a bombmed building ''I felt very proud of my self''he said confendently.

Hopefully these bombs won't last much longer and we will demolish Germany once and for all.
By Waseem and Ashley