Friday, 22 October 2010

Operation Evacuation

Operation Evacuation

Yesterday on Friday 8th of May some children and pregnant women participated in operation pied piper due to the Blitz.

The government have decided that our big cites are now to dangerous for children, so many children are packing their suitcases to move to the country side, to live a safer life until the tragic war has ended.

We have spoken to a lady who had to say a sad farewell to her beloved children, here's what she said. " I was up cleaning the at about twelve noon when I heard on the radio Nevile Chamberlin saying that children are not safe in our cities and must be evacuated as soon as possible. It was heartbreaking for me to tell my children this sad news but I knew I would be able to rely on them to keep themselves safe."

People have been saying the war will be over by Christmas but who knows if it will, as we could still be rapped up in our blankets as white as snow before it ends.

By Shauna and Lucy:)

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