Friday 23 October 2009


Lights Out For Britain!!!
The last few weeks has been the hardest period for Britain and its people. Everyone has been turning out their lights to prevent the Germans from seeing where to bomb.
People of Britain have been asked to cover their windows and doors at night with heavy blackout curtains, cardboard or paint. We will need to stop any glimmer of light escaping because this will help enemy aircrafts. Street lights will be switched off or dimmed and shielded to deflect the beam down to the floor. People of Britain will have to walk facing the traffic. To help men, please keep your shirt tails hanging out so you can be seen by dimmed head-lights. During the hours of darkness we will have wordaens making sure the blackout was put into action. Any lights that might be seen from are wordens will be forced to be put out and we will not be allowing any smoking in the open.
Pauline,a mother of two said, "It's been hard during the blackout because we have to make dinner earlier than usual before all the lights have to get turned off". Mary, Paulines daughter said, "The blckout has been as dark as a lions cage".
Worden officers will still be on the alert every night until futher notice. The blackout shall be going on until we have found a solution.
By Sara, Ruth, Sade, Asfia, Keeley, Johanna and Elesia


  1. Ruth Tavares26/10/09 09:33

    I love the way the article turned out to be very nice.
    lookin GD

  2. This is interesting blog I like it.
